Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Research/Idea Generation

For are first task we have to research into video game trailers and mainly 2d. To begin with I started by looking on you tube at comic book style trailer the reason why is because I feel that they can be effective and can present a good story and be able to mix game play as well.

For the first trailer I have looked at the Dead Space 2 Ignition, The reason why I have selected this trailer is because It holds story through comic book style and hold element of game play but dosent over load the trailer and give away too much just enough to tempt the viewer to by it. This trailer to the game is also advertisement to the game Dead Space 2 which was coming out later that month. The music was dark and gritty and held lot on emotion and increased the feel on the trailer.

The second game is not a trailer but show how comic book style can present a in-depth story in a short period of time. This is the Mass Effect 1 comic book story and this was due to the second game appearing on ps3 and the first one did not appear on the console so Biowear created this to get the player up to speed with the story. Is hold interactive game play where you are able to make choices through out the story which will effect the story outcome and your saved date transferred over to the second game. Through out the story the is a voice over of the main character telling the story. 


For the Third trailer I have chosen a highly cinematic trailer of Mass Effect 3 trailer and I have selected this dude the story it tells and the music. The music I dramatic and hold alot of emotion and this helps you to care about the characters and get a better understanding of the situation of the story. This is an aspect which I would like to use in my trailer.

I found another trailer which I think is effective which draws in a larger audience, it is Transformers Fall Of Cybertron and it is based on robot but still holds human emotion and has enough to care.

Mind Map:

For the story I was thinking of something which was dark and bloody, I have chosen the horror genre because I feel that they can hold a lot of impact on the viewer and the games which gave me inspiration for this was Dead Space, Dead Rising and the Mass Effect series. The age rating for his game will probably be 18+.

Ideas 1 story:
It is based on a infection which mutates human and it is up to the main character to destroy the infection, For this character to do this something terrible happens to him and the saying is I was thinking of it "What are you asking me to do?" "What are you papered to do?"
Idea 2:
Zombies have over run a small town and it up to the character to get his family to safety.
Idea 3:
A character has been infected with a mutation and he need to be able to find a cure for help him self.

Action Plan:

Game play:
For game play I was thinking of something like puzzle solving along with first person shooting. And for this I would also use elements of plat forming but one element of game play which I am highly fond of is Choice, this can make a game interesting and draws the player back and experience something completely different and I feel that something which I would like to use.

This is the style of shooting which I would like to use and this is a shot of the game The Walking Dead. The reason why I have selected this Is because I think you get more of an up close experience. 

We are able to use to soundtrack but have reference to the track and for my trailer I have a few ideas to use but also sound effects which are found through the internet.
For music I have found a few sound effect which I think will work really well and I think that I can also Have found a few track to use as back ground music.

Sound effect I have been looking into Flesh, blood sounds to increase the horror in the game and also show the twisted form of the monsters. 

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