Thursday, 17 January 2013


To begin with I began by creating a few sketches and Ideas in Photoshop of what I wanted in my game.
To begin with I started by creating a first person shooter image of Game play.

For character I was think about my time which I had to create this project and I was thinking of stick men and how effective they can be, So I thought of having detailed stick men. 

This is the first person shooting for this The Game play will be where you move the mouse and click the right button to shoot.

I have been creating a few ruff sketches of the choice selection I Feel that this is the main element to my game.

For my final design I used a basic standers used of black and white and you press circle, triangle, square and x to choose speech options.

Story Board

For this story Board I had a few problem with creating a story and making sure that the characters were well done and fit in well with the story.

Character Board:

Character Card:

With this experimentation we took a video of youtube placed it in flash and traced over the video frame by frame to create a animation and the reason why we did this was to expand on methods to create are trailer. 


For the environment I didn't want it to be bland so I have creating something which I think fits in well with my gametrailer.
This is the indoor environment element of game play and this helped me to draw with perspective.  
Since the game Is based of a virus I was think of it being where an object was causing it or where a door way was causing it.

This is the level for Construct 2 I created an 2d background design to fit in with the level and place the block as platform for the character.


These are my drawing in Photoshop To show the game trailers layout and how its going to go when the drawings are finished I will place them in After effects and make it in there.
The game hold elements of choice and gun game play.

Gun game play  For this I was think of having it first person shooter but I wasn't sure of the design so I went the third person shooter and I did prefer it.

This is the upgrade system and I wanted something simple and easy to use my inspiration of design came from Mass Effect design.

As for the enemy of the game I wanted to show him off at the end of the trailer.

Final Story Board:
The reason why I have created another Story board is to help me to place the shot in the right time frame and to give some understanding to the story.

This is a small clip of the trailer due to time working on it I was unable to complete the whole trailer and for this I used the screen title form "The Matrix" ( and then I placed the image and the clip in to Aftereffects and rendered it out.

For music I have looked at certain tracks which I think will fit in well with my game, I began by looking at trailers to see how the music adds more effect and at what level they use it at. I see that most trailers are very dramatic and show emotion of the area and the characters.
For the first song I have looked at Two Steps From Hell.
The reason why I chose this track is because it is fast pace and shows and dark,dramatic feel to the trailer which I am making. 

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